Friday, June 19, 2009

Camachile - Korkalikka

Scientific Synonym -
Pithecellobium dulce

Also known as - Guamachil, Manila Tamarind, Kodukkai Puli/Kodi-kai puli, Sweet Tamarind, Thai-Sweet Tamarind, Madras Thorn, Monkey Pod, Jungle Jilebi, Bilayati Imli, Seema Chintakayalu (Foreign Tamarind), Kona Puliyankai (Twisted Tamarind)

Native to - Mexico, America, Central Asia, India, Caribbean, Florida, Guam, Philippines. It was introduced to the Philippines during the Spanish times and has spread throughout the Pacific (Guam, Micronesia, Hawaii, etc.). It was also introduced to Thailand and onto India where it is known as Manila Tamarind.

Tastes like - Sweet when they ripe

Interesting facts-
  • Kodukka puli came from the word Kodi-Kai puli which means Vined Tamarind
  • peel the black seeds to reveal a brown coating (not the white ‘main’ seed inside) and then string them into bracelets
  • The pod/pulp is widely used in the tanning industry. Camachile bark used almost exclusively by Filipino tanners
  • Used as good timber
  • Mucilaginous gum
  • Used for preparing yellow dye

Sought by Birds - Parrots and Squirrels

Availability - July and August

Health Benefits -
  • Used to treat Venereal diseases(sexually Transmitted Infection)
  • Leaves - Remedy for indigestion
  • Bark - curative for bowel movement/constipation
  • Camachile is also prescribed for diabetics


  1. I am Senthil's friend. I have seen so many blogs on net, but this is the 1st blog only on fruits. Nice to see it.

    The split up of topics are good (availability, how it tastes, health benefits etc).

  2. Appadiyae, chennai-la indha fruit enga kidaikum-nu sonna nalla irukkum..



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